Acupuncture could Double your Chances of Becoming Pregnant with IVF

July 14, 2016

Hooray! Another study on acupuncture makes the news. 

A research study 3 years in the making suggests acupuncture could double your chances of having a baby with IVF. 

The study included a total of 160 couples undergoing IVF treatments. Approximately half of those couples were assigned acupuncture treatments during the IVF cycle while the other half received no acupuncture.

The acupuncture group achieved pregnancy rates of 46.2% compared to 21.7% of pregnancy rates of those who did not have acupuncture. 

For acupuncturists this comes as no surprise since many of us witness the profound benefits of acupuncture on a daily basis in our clinics. It's studies like these that are helping acupuncture become more accepted and bring us closer to understanding how and why acupuncture works in scientific terms. 

Let Me Help You!

Are you currently undergoing or thinking about IVF? I specialize in acupuncture for IVF and would be happy to explain the procedure and how acupuncture works. As an extra bonus if you live in the Bay Area I'm available to perform acupuncture on site at your fertility clinic the day of transfer. 



Also in Dr. Dawna Ara, DACM


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Winter Wonderland

December 21, 2019 0 Comments

With a vast drop in temperature, darker skies and rainy days, winter is the most yin of all the seasons. It is associated with the kidney and bladder organs, the color black, the element water, the emotion fear, and salty and bitter flavors.

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Goji Berry & Rose Latte

December 06, 2019 0 Comments

Goji Berry & Rose Latte

Goji berries are one of the most well known Chinese herbs in the US. Used for over 2000 years in China, they were first mentioned in the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, the oldest known book on Chinese herbs in 200 BC. They are prized for their ability to tonify blood and yin without causing stagnation. Consumed daily in China as a food and herbal medicine, goji berries are revered for their anti-aging properties. They are used in many beauty tonics.

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